2017年9月30日 星期六

20171014 薯仔-兔仔-菇仔


Step-1. One week before planting, place your seed potatoes in a warm spot. When sprouts that are about one-quarter Inch to one Half Inch form, they're about ready to plant.
Cut large seed potatoes into chunks that are approximately two inches wide. Each piece should have at least two sprouts. After cutting the seed potatoes, allow them to sit at room temperature for three days.
Step-2. Using a pair of scissors, cut a few drainage holes in the bottom of a 30-gallon plastic trash bag. Roll the sides of the bag down and fill it with about one-third potting soil. Now, place the trash bag in an area of your garden that gets full sun.
Step-3. To plant your seed potatoes, first dust them with agricultural sulfur to protect them against fungal disease. Plant them by burying them with the eyes pointed up about two inches deep in the soil. Water thoroughly.
Step-4. When your potato plants are six to eight inches tall, add more soil and straw to the bag. There should be just enough soil so that the top few leaves are poking through it. As they continue to grow, keep unrolling the trash bag and adding more soil accordingly. They should stay well-watered, but not soggy. Now the fun part, Harvest time. One clue that your potatoes are about ready for harvesting is that the leaves will yellow and the foliage will die back. . At this point, you should stop watering and simply leave them alone for a few weeks so that the skins toughen up. To harvest, slit open the side of the bag and release the potatoes. You can start a few other batches at regular intervals to enjoy continuous harvest.


《兔子飼養法》田向健一     437.68  1222
ARBA。2014  PosingPalpation4H-Showmanship

French Lop  74.5kg, 50cm
English Lop  5,  40
Mini Rex   2,  22
Lion Head   2,  20, Long-Hair
German Dwarf  Hotot  1,  20
American Fuzzy Lop   1.5,  21
American Jersey Wooly   1.5,  19
Holland Lop   1.5,  21
Netherland Dwarf   1,  18

